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Fit & Fight Zoom Seminar

Mar 18, 2021 | News, online, Seminar

ITFHQ invites its members (instructors and students, alike) to attend the first of a series of “Fit & Fight” seminars with Masters S. Fitzgibbon, VII and N. Manavaki, VII. Both instructors are advocates of having a martial arts mindset, and strong, healthy body. In line with the philosophy of Yin & Yang,

The 90-minute seminars will cover a balance of Mobility/Flexibility (Yin) and Strength/Fitness (Yang). Each of the Masters will take 45 minutes on one of those topics.

These seminars will suitable be for ALL GRADES, age 13+, and will contain progressions for every Level. Minimal home equipment needed –light dumbbells/kettlebells, yoga block, light resistance band, or similar. These seminars will be free of charge to ITFHQ members. You can register using the below link.

For further information, contact Master Fitzgibbon at info@connacht-taekwondo.ie

Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZclfuCopz8tGd1tsHlZvR2v5Uad77LYWEEb After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Language : English

Timezone : GMT +1 Dublin

Date & Time : 18th April 2021, 11am to 12:30pm