Dear member
You are cordially invited to participate in the 2023 World Masters Seminar, presented by the Global HapKiDo Association (GHA) in cooperation with the International Taekwon-Do Federation HQ Korea(ITF)! Seminar will be held at the University of the Science of Security UCS, a premier training facility for the state police academy of Nuevo Leon, in Monterrey NL, Mexico on March 8 & 11, 2023.
This event celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Mexico HapKiDo Association and pays special tribute to its founder, Grand Master Francisco Garcia Ávila, who has dedicated his entire life to martial arts and his passion for sharing knowledge. During this celebration, grandmasters from around the world will meet and share their Selfdefence knowledge from Hapkido and Taekwon-Do in this historic first of its kind event. The seminars outlined below will take place from March 8 & 11, 2023.
- World Masters Seminar
- Police Martial Arts Seminar (Exclusive for active police officers)
- Seminar with HapKiDo and Taekwon-Do masters from around the world for students under 14 years of age
- HapKiDo Dan exam and Masters Certification with international judges
The 2023 World Masters Seminars will go above and beyond the limits of most traditional martial arts events. In addition to the master seminars, an award ceremony will be held to honour all of the masters who have so generously contributed their time and efforts to promote our beautiful arts around the world. To end our historic event in grand fashion, a formal black-tie dinner will also take place at the venue. It is through gatherings such as this that our arts will continue to evolve and grow in popularity. Please help us to continue to promote this by joining us in this memorable event! We look forward to seeing you in Monterrey, NL, Mexico in the month of March 2023. For further information on the seminar, please visit our website:www.itfofficial.org or send us an email: taekwondo2@adiep
WEDNESDAY March 8 2023
1. Exclusive Police Martial Arts Seminar:
Organized by the UCS, call for active police officers, stations and group division by level will be formed, to carry out a seminar on police techniques from around the world lasting 5 hours plus meal times, and presentation of certificates.
THURSDAY March 9 and 10 2023 (9am to 1pm)
2. International Master’s Seminars:
Open to the public, at the UCS, stations will be formed and groups will be divided by level, to carry out a two day, 4-hour Master Class, and presentation of certificates.
FRIDAY March 9 and 10 2023 (3pm to 6pm)
3. Seminar with international teachers for students under 14 years of age:
Open to the public, at the UCS, stations and division of groups by level will be formed, to carry out a 2 days, 3-hour ‘Master Class’, and presentation of certificates
SATURDAY March 11 2023 (9am)
4. Dan exam and Masters Certification with special judges:
Available for all Hapkido black belts aspiring to move on to their next Dan, presenting their last degree for validation, at the UCS facilities, being evaluated by the international board of masters thru several stations of evaluation.
5. Awards Ceremony for Masters and Leaders from around the world: (12pm)
At the UCS auditorium, we will present awards and distinctions to personalities who have been of great influence in the development of Hapkido. And ITF Taekwon-Do
6. Gala dinner: (6pm) Black tie dinner in the events room of the hotel with music, folkloric show, mariachi and presentations
The organization will provide the transportation from the preferred hotels to the UCS in a scheduled timetable
SEMINAR $149 dollars (Early bird price $129 before December 31)
Includes transportation, T-Shirt, 5 hours of training, lunch at police academy, certificate
Three course dinner and all soft drinks included,
It will be available to bring your own alcohol with no extra cost, presenting your tagged bottle to the hotel manager one day prior to the event
Official T-Shirt and your personal Martial arts pants for the seminars
Formal suit for the black tie dinner party
Hotel Millennium by Hilton (double room – $135 dollars aprox.) Breakfast included
Novotel by Accord Hotels (double room – $90 dollars aprox.) Breakfast included
Kicks, Punches, Self defense, Forms, Breathing, Blocks, Break falls, Weapons, Physical conditioning
We will prepare a web page with the information and registration forms online or we can also sent it by email, we will also provide links to the hotel so they can book more easily